W. J. McCabe Chapter

Izaak Walton League of America

Next meeting is Wednesday, February 19 at 6:30pm.

City of Duluth's Water Infrastructure

This will be a panel discussion about the status of Duluth's water infrastructure. The speakers will be Jim Benning from the city of Duluth and Carol Andrews from St. Louis County. This will be a joint program with the League of Women Voters at Hartley Nature Center.

Hartley Nature Center, 3001 Woodland Ave, Duluth, MN.

Our monthly presentations are the 3rd Wednesday of the month, September-May, 6:30pm.


January 2024 meeting recording:

Woodpecker Nest Site Selection and Habitat Needs

December 2024 meeting recording:

Understanding, Forecasting and  Photograping the Aurora by Bob King (Astro Bob)

Visit our YouTube channel for more recordings of past programs.

Climate Change and Minnesota's Forests

A report prepared for the Minnesota Forest Resources Council by the Research Advisory Committee

September 16, 2020

Carbon_in Minnesota_10_June_2022_tcm1162-531123.pdf

Carbon in Minnesota’s Forests: Current Status and Future Opportunities

A report prepared for the Minnesota Forest Resources Council

June 10, 2022

The Izaak Walton League's Upper Mississippi River Initiative (UMRI)

The Upper Mississippi River Initiative (UMRI) is a collaborative, grassroots effort to listen and learn from each other and pursue actions to improve water quality.

The Izaak Walton League’s Upper Mississippi River Initiative

6601 Auto Club Road, Bloomington, MN 55438

Email: umri.info@gmail.com Phone: (651) 221-0215

Izaak Walton League - A Century of Conservation Leadership

Over the past 100 years, the Izaak Walton League of America has been an extraordinary champion and defender of the nation's soil, air, woods, waters and wildlife. In this short video, learn about our history of conservation leadership and how you can join us in our second century of success. 

Check out the new billboard put up by Prove It First Coalition. It's on I-35 heading south from Hinckley.

Prove It First Coalition seeks commonsense protection for the Boundary Waters Canoe Area and Lake Superior.

is a multi-use waterway enabling the public to experience the St. Louis River Estuary amidst the urban landscape of the Twin Ports. The SLRE National Water Trail map includes 11 routes for paddlers of all skill levels and abilities and is intended for various watercraft use. By providing access to wild space in an urban area, the National Water Trail enables more people an opportunity to build their own memories and relationships to the St. Louis River. 

Ike's Concerns Re: Excessive Timber Harvest on Wildlife Management Areas

The Izaak Walton League is very concerned that the management of our Minnesota State Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) is now driven more by financial considerations than sound biological/ecological science that protects the broad spectrum of wildlife distributed across Minnesota.

Check out our discussion Here.

The W.J. McCabe Chapter of the Izaak Walton League is a grassroots environmental organization that has worked for decades to protect the natural resources of Duluth and greater Minnesota. 

The Izaak Walton League was founded in 1922 to conserve outdoor America for future generations, and remains one of the nation's oldest and most respected conservation organizations.

The League's 54 founders, who were avid anglers, named the organization after Izaak Walton, the 17th century author of The Compleat Angler, a classic book about the art and spirit of fishing. We are one of the earliest conservation organizations to set an aggressive course to defend wild America by changing public policy. Almost every major, successful conservation program that America has in place today can be traced directly to a League activity or initiative. 

You can join us in protecting America's outdoors by becoming a member.  You will help to support the important conservation and advocacy work of the League and receive additional member benefits.

Minnesota Birding Update - Here is a link to a bunch of information and beautiful pictures on winter birding opportunities provided by Explore Minnesota:


Sparky Stensaas

218-341-3350 thesparkygroup@gmail.com

Izaak Walton League Member Pledge

To strive for the purity of water, the clarity of air, and the wise stewardship of the land and its resources; to know the beauty and understanding of nature and the value of wildlife, woodlands, and open space; to the preservation of this heritage and to man's sharing in it.

I pledge myself as a member of the Izaak Walton League of America.

"Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."  Teddy Roosevelt